Is a girl taking longer than usual to respond to your texts? Or sending rapid-fire passive aggressive messages?
Or giving you the cold shoulder when you’re together? All these are surefire signs that she’s mad at you.
If you know why she is angry at you and you feel bad about what you’ve done, you can apologize to her.
If you think she’s being unreasonable, you can express that you’re sorry she feels the way she does, but that you stand by your actions.
If the girl who is upset with you is normally always up for a good laugh, you can try to break her bad mood by cracking a joke about the standoff you’re in.
Whatever approach you choose to take, have a look at the extensive list of options for things to say when a girl is mad at you.
41 things to say to a girl who is mad at you
- I know I messed up and I’m so sorry. Can you forgive me?
- I know I’ve hurt you and I understand that you need space. Let me know when you are ready to talk.
- I’m sorry that I made you doubt my feelings. I want to be with you.
- I hate it when we fight. Can we work this out?
- I’m sorry that I upset you, that wasn’t my intention.
- Come back to me?
- Let’s work through this.
- I’m so much happier when we’re together.
- Can we resolve this problem so we can focus on positive things again?
- I’m not sure what I’ve done. It feels like you’re sulking for no reason.
- Why are you mad at me?
- I’m so confused…what happened between yesterday and today?
- Can you at least explain what I’ve done to upset you?
- I love you but I also need my own space. I don’t think that’s unreasonable.
- Our relationship is so good. I think we owe it to ourselves to give it another go.
- Don’t give up on me yet.
- I’ll do anything to make this work.
- I’m so sorry for what I did. Tell me how I can make it up to you.
- I’m sorry that you felt like I wasn’t paying you attention. I’ll be more affectionate in the future.
- I love you, but I don’t want this negative energy in my life all the time. Something needs to change, or we aren’t going to work.
- I think we should talk through this in person. Can I cook you dinner sometime this week?
- All this texting is hard. Are you ever going to agree to see me again?
- I hate it when you stop responding to me. Can we please talk about what happened?
- ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
- We may be apart, but you’re always on my mind.
- I understand that you’re angry, but the most important thing is that we keep talking.
- Will you please stop this silent treatment?
- I know this isn’t the right time…but you look hot when you’re mad.
- I’ll have to upset you more often since you’re such a pretty crier.
- Hi my beautiful, angry girlfriend.
- I’m probably not quite as sorry as you think I should be, but I promise I’m still very sorry.
- You’re pretty good at pretending not to care. I almost believed you.
- So, should I sweep up the eggshells we’ve both been walking on, or do you want to do it?
- I kind of like you more now that I know what a jerk you can be.
- Well, I’ll never think you’re timid again.
- The good news is that I love you even when you’re being a class A goon.
- That fight has changed how I see you. I have a new estimation of how loud you can be.
- Are we friends again?
- Good game?
- You know you can’t steal the food off my plate if you’re not talking to me? That’s a privilege I reserve for pretty girls who don’t hate me. And right now, you only fit one of those criteria.
- Is it safe to come in here now?
Good things to say when a girl is mad at you
You surely don’t like knowing that a girl is angry at you. And that thought is especially difficult if you’ve done something to deserve it.
After all, the only worse thing than a girl who is mad at you for no reason, is a girl who is mad at you for a good reason.
If you’re feeling guilty for hurting a girl’s feelings, you’ll want to choose your words carefully. Because she’s already mad, she will probably be highly sensitive and may react badly if you say the wrong thing.
If a girl is angry at you, the thing she probably wants most is an apology. If you know that you are in the wrong, you can say you’re sorry for what you did and ask for forgiveness.
Here are a few things you could say to a girl who is mad at you if you want to resolve the problem.
1. I know I messed up and I’m so sorry. Can you forgive me?
Taking ownership of our mistakes is part of being an adult.
Whether the girl you have upset is your girlfriend or just a girl you’ve been seeing, you should acknowledge the mistake you’ve made when you apologize to her.
Asking her if she can forgive you shows her that you care about her and want to work things out.
2. I know I’ve hurt you and I understand that you need space. Let me know when you are ready to talk.
If a girl asks for space, telling her that you understand will make her feel seen.
Let her know that you will respect her wishes and not contact her. This shows that you get how badly you’ve behaved.
That said, it is also important to let her know that you want things to work out between you, and that you will be waiting to hear from her when she’s ready.
3. I’m sorry that I made you doubt my feelings. I want to be with you.
The longer we’ve known someone, the easier it is to take them for granted.
If you’ve been seeing a girl for a long time, she might tell you that you aren’t making her feel special anymore. This might lead her to question whether you still like her.
A girl could be upset because you aren’t being clear about your emotions. If she is sick of responding to “maybe” from a guy, tell her you’re sorry that you’ve made her feel insecure about how much you like her.
If you haven’t made your relationship official and are in more of a no-strings-attached situation, this may be your cue to ask her out for real.
4. I hate it when we fight. Can we work this out?
There’s no need to use fancy words to resolve an argument. If you genuinely just want the disagreement you are having with a girl to be over, tell her you hate it when you fight.
Ask her if she thinks the two of you can work through this problem. Hopefully, she’ll appreciate your genuine willingness to fix the issue.
The fewer games you both play, the better the chance of a good relationship in the future.
5. I’m sorry that I upset you, that wasn’t my intention.
A lot of guys make the mistake of becoming defensive when a girl is mad at them. Instead of getting annoyed and calling her dramatic, remain calm.
If you’re wondering how to apologize to your girlfriend over text or in person, the most important thing is that you actually say the words “I’m sorry.”
If you didn’t mean to hurt her, tell her it wasn’t your intention to upset her.
Have you ever had to respond to an apology while still hurt? If you have, you’ll know that it takes a lot to swallow your pride. But if the girl you’re seeing genuinely cares about you, she’ll find a way to accept your “sorry” and move on.
6. Come back to me?
When a girl has been giving you the silent treatment for a long time, you can simply ask her to come back to you.
It is a simple request, but it is also a way of saying “I miss you.”
The girl you’re talking to will appreciate the sweet sentiment. She will probably relent and let go of her anger.
7. Let’s work through this.
Telling a girl that you want to work through your disagreement will show her that you have confidence in the strength of your bond.
At the end of the day, whether you’re in a full-fledged relationship or have been on a date that went well, the willingness to work through problems is a good sign for your future.
8. I’m so much happier when we’re together.
Sometimes, a girl asks why you like her to test you because she is doubting the feelings you have for her.
If you know a girl is mad because she doesn’t believe that you care, prove to her that you’re invested by telling her you’re happier when you are together.
9. Can we resolve this problem so we can focus on positive things again?
If the strain of always having to think about what to text your girlfriend when she is sad is starting to get you down, try to inject some happiness into your relationship.
If your girlfriend’s negativity is starting to affect you, it is important that you speak your truth and tell her you want your relationship to be more positive.
The best things to say when your girlfriend is mad at you for no reason
While it is one thing to apologize when you know you’ve messed up, you shouldn’t say sorry when you don’t think you’ve done anything wrong.
If you feel like your girlfriend is mad at you for no reason, you’ll want to think carefully about how to handle the situation.
Don’t upset her more by running your mouth and putting her in the typical position of responding when a guy calls you crazy. The best thing you can do is respectfully let her know that you understand that she’s hurt, but that you don’t think you’ve done anything wrong.
Hopefully, one of these sample messages will help you get out of the difficult position you find yourself in.
10. I’m not sure what I’ve done. It feels like you’re sulking for no reason.
This might sound a bit harsh, but at the end of the day, you’re entitled to stand up for yourself.
If a girl is mad at you and is being mean to you because of it, tell her that it feels like she’s sulking and that you can’t see why she should be.
Showing her that you aren’t going to put up with being treated badly is important because it sets boundaries. If you want to keep seeing the girl you’re talking to, she needs to know where your limits are.
11. Why are you mad at me?
If you don’t understand why a girl is mad at you, let her know how confused you are by asking her.
If she’s been giving you the silent treatment, telling her you don’t understand why may cause her to change her tune and express what she’s feeling.
Giving someone the cold shoulder is a way of showing them that they aren’t meeting your expectations. Effectively, you’re making the point that you can’t talk to them, look at them, or engage with them normally because you are so disappointed in them.
However, it is not very effective if the person being ignored doesn’t know why they are being ignored. If they don’t know what you want them to change, they won’t change it.
That’s why asking why someone is mad at you usually inspires them to tell you.
12. I’m so confused…what happened between yesterday and today?
If you feel like a girl has changed her behavior overnight, you might ask her what has happened to make her treat you so differently.
This will cause her to reflect on the way she’s been acting and to consider whether what you have done really warrants the anger she’s feeling.
13. Can you at least explain what I’ve done to upset you?
If you’ve been trying to figure out why a girl is mad at you and getting no response, you can ask her to at least give you an explanation.
We can’t always control how we feel, but we can control how we react to our feelings.
If the girl who is mad at you is being unkind, point out that she owes it to you to at least say why she’s upset with you.
14. I love you but I also need my own space. I don’t think that’s unreasonable of me.
If a girl is mad at you because you asked for a bit more of your own space, you don’t have to be sorry. We all have different needs and boundaries.
Don’t apologize for being clear about what works and doesn’t work for you when it comes to dating.
If she needs more from a partner than you can give, she should probably look for someone else who can give her what she wants.
Great texts to send your girlfriend when she is mad at you
This might sound controversial, but arguments are not necessarily a bad thing.
It is better to talk things through with the person you are seeing than to let your feelings fester. If you do that, they’ll only grow.
Arguing, on the other hand, often allows people to come to agreements on issues that they initially thought were unresolvable.
When two people are angry at each other, it is often best to re-initiate contact over text. Being able to sit down and think about exactly what you want to say will give you clarity about how you feel.
Here are a few things you could text your girlfriend when she’s mad at you.
15. Our relationship is so good. I think we owe it to ourselves to give it another go.
If you’re in a make-or-break moment with your girlfriend, you may find yourself wanting to reach out to save the relationship.
Telling her that your relationship is too good to lose will show her how much you value what the two of you have.
16. Don’t give up on me yet.
If you suspect that your girlfriend is a stone’s throw away from sending you a breakup text, you can preempt it by telling her not to give up on you yet.
This is a concise way of telling her that you’re committed to doing better by her in the future and that you are willing to learn from your mistakes.
17. I’ll do anything to make this work.
This is another way to say a lot in just a few words.
Do you suspect that your girlfriend is on the fence about whether to stay or go? If so, try to sway her toward staying by telling her you’ll do anything to make things good again.
18. I’m so sorry for what I did. Tell me how I can make it up to you.
If you’ve acted unacceptably, for example, by cheating on your girlfriend, you should apologize as soon as possible.
The worse the offense, the harder you should try to apologize in person. However, if your girlfriend is refusing to see you, you should at least apologize over text.
Follow up your apology by asking her how you can make it up to her.
19. I’m sorry that you felt like I wasn’t paying you attention. I’ll be more affectionate in the future.
We all have different needs when it comes to attention and physical affection.
If you have a lower threshold than your girlfriend and she takes it personally, you can cheer her up by telling her you’ll be more affectionate from now on.
20. I love you, but I don’t want this negative energy in my life all the time. Something needs to change, or we aren’t going to work.
Responding to “I love you” when you are mad isn’t easy. And that’s especially true when what you’re responding to is, “I love you, but…”
That is just to say that if you send your girlfriend this text, she might not respond with “I love you more” right away. She’ll probably need a bit of time to reflect on what you’ve said.
Ultimately, however, you can’t be in a relationship with someone if they are constantly dragging you down. It’s vital that you communicate how you’re feeling so that your girlfriend realizes how her anger and bad moods affect you.
21. I think we should talk through this in person. Can I cook you dinner sometime this week?
If your girlfriend is mad at you and you want to resolve the issue in person, text her to make plans to meet up sometime soon.
22. All this texting is hard. Are you ever going to agree to see me again?
If you feel sad that your girlfriend is angry at you and won’t agree to see you, you can tell her that you’re struggling with all the texting.
After all, no one wants a text-based relationship, and if she won’t see you again, there’s not much point in being together.
23. I hate it when you stop responding to me. Can we please talk about what happened?
If your girlfriend has completely cut you off, you can send her this text message.
Whether you think her anger is justified or not, you’re entitled to clarity about what is happening in your relationship.
24. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
If you can’t find the right words to express how you’re feeling but want to send your angry girlfriend the message that you love her, send her three heart emojis.
Responding to a heart emoji from a bf is a fairly standard thing to do, so you’re hardly putting her in a difficult position with this text.
25. We may be apart, but you’re always on my mind.
If you want a girl to know that you’re thinking of her even though you aren’t spending all your time together, send her this text.
She’ll appreciate knowing that you aren’t oblivious to her feelings and that you are worried about her.
26. I understand that you’re angry, but the most important thing is that we keep talking.
If your girlfriend is mad at you and is ignoring you, send her this text.
Communicate to her that what you care about most is that you can talk even when things are tough.
After all, how can you even think about things like how long to date before marriage if your girlfriend refuses to talk to you as soon as you hit a little bump in the road?
27. Will you please stop this silent treatment?
If your girlfriend is mad at you and is completely ignoring you, you might begin to get frustrated.
Politely ask her to stop the silent treatment. Show her that you’re willing to talk about what happened.
If she still doesn’t respond, she may just find herself responding to a rejection text from a guy.
You need to take care of your emotional wellbeing, and that means establishing healthy relationships through communication.
Funny things to say when your girlfriend is mad
If your girlfriend is normally the life of the party and loves a good joke, you can try to get her anger to break by making her laugh.
There is no better way to diffuse tension than with humor.
If your girlfriend always appreciates your wisecracks, making the right joke at the right time might be your ticket out of the doghouse.
28. I know this isn’t the right time…but you look hot when you’re mad.
Everyone is a sucker for a compliment about their physical appearance, and your girlfriend is probably no different.
As long as the main part of your argument has been resolved, this will surely make her laugh.
29. I’ll have to upset you more often since you’re such a pretty crier.
If your girlfriend is crying after an argument, say this to her.
She’ll definitely at least smile. If she does, you’ll know that the worst of it is over.
30. Hi my beautiful, angry girlfriend.
If your girlfriend walks into the room after an argument, greet her like this.
There’s a really good chance she’ll break into a smile. Everyone likes being called beautiful, and you dropping it into conversation like this will elicit even more of a reaction.
31. I’m probably not quite as sorry as you think I should be, but I promise I’m still sorry.
This is a funny comment to make after an argument if a girl has just been berating you and telling you that you don’t understand the magnitude of what you’ve done.
Just make sure you follow your little quip up with, “I’m joking, I’m joking!”
32. You’re pretty good at pretending not to care. I almost believed you.
If a girl is mad at you but is pretending not to be, say this to her and see what happens.
33. So, should I sweep up the eggshells we’ve both been walking on, or do you want to do it?
This is a good joke to make if you and a girl have been avoiding saying anything meaningful to each other because you don’t want to fight.
If tension has been building and you’re both angry but trying not to trigger a landslide of emotion by saying the wrong thing, make a joke out of it with this witty comment.
Walking on eggshells is an idiom that means taking caution to avoid upsetting someone. If that’s what you’ve been doing, make a funny comment about which one of you should clean them up.
34. I kind of like you more now that I know what a jerk you can be.
Maybe wait until a few hours after an argument before you say this to a girl, just to make she has had time to calm down.
However, being able to joke about the conflicts you have in any kind of relationship is a good sign. It means that you’re comfortable with each other and that you can acknowledge the funny side of bad times.
This will serve you enormously well if your relationship progresses and you decide it is time to move in together.
35. Well, I’ll never think you’re timid again.
They don’t say “laughter is the best medicine” for no reason.
If a girl has just been raising her voice and expressing herself in no uncertain terms, you can joke that your idea of her as timid or soft-spoken has been proven wrong.
Because you’ve both just been through a period of heightened emotion, being able to laugh at yourselves will probably be a welcome relief.
36. The good news is that I love you even when you’re being a class A goon.
Arguments are supposed to resolve problems. But that doesn’t mean that both people have to emerge on exactly the same page.
If you think she was being overdramatic and she thinks you were being oblivious, that’s pretty much par for the course.
This joke pokes fun at the way you both view each other without causing any real offense.
37. That fight has changed how I see you. I have a new estimation of how loud you can be.
If the girl you are seeing was being pretty vocal during an argument, you can joke about the fact that how you see her has changed.
What’s funny about this joke? Well, usually when people tell someone that how they them has changed, they are referring to their character.
People say it when they’re trying to get out of a date or break up with someone.
However, by saying it in relation to how loud the girl you’re seeing is, you’re reassuring her that as far as you’re concerned, you two are doing just fine.
38. Are we friends again?
This comment pretty much speaks for itself. The joke is that, of course, you’re more than friends.
But by asking whether you are friends as a way of asking whether you have made peace, you’re showing her that you are happy about the nature of your relationship.
39. Good game?
This is a funny joke to make after you’ve just had an argument.
Once you’ve come to some kind of agreement, you can offer the girl your hand as though you want to shake hers.
Pretending that your argument is a sports match will surely get a chuckle out of her.
40. You know you can’t steal the food off my plate if you’re not talking to me? That’s a privilege I reserve for pretty girls who don’t hate me. And right now, you only fit one of those criteria.
Are you in a restaurant with a girl who is angry at you? Unfortunately, that doesn’t suggest you know how to be a gentleman on a date.
But whatever the reason that your date is mad at you, this funny joke (that doubles as a compliment) will hopefully make her crack a smile.
She’ll be pleased to respond to a compliment from a guy, and she’ll probably tell you she doesn’t want any of your food anyway. If you’re lucky, she’ll also take this opportunity to tell you she doesn’t hate you and then explain why she’s annoyed.
41. Is it safe to come in here now?
If you’ve had an argument with a girl and then subsequently left the room, you could say this when you re-enter it later.
There’s no one right way to cope with relationship problems, and you certainly aren’t the only guy who a girl is mad at.
After all, there would hardly be any need for an article like this if it weren’t a common problem.
Rest assured that if you’re doing your best to show the girl that you’re seeing compassion and affection, you’re doing well. And if she doesn’t see that, it’s her loss.
![Steven Smith](
Hey, it’s me, Steven. Dating and relationships have always fascinated me. On Dategosu, you will find my best tips to make sure your next date is a great success!