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29 Ways to Respond to a Heart Emoji (from GF/BF, Friends)

29 Ways to Respond to a Heart Emoji (from GF/BF, Friends)

Ah, modern love…or is it not love? Well, that is the question you might be asking yourself if a girl has sent you a heart emoji. 

Emojis have become part of our lingua franca, and unfortunately, unlike the rest of the words in our vocabulary, they don’t come with a dictionary of precise definitions. 

As a result, if you receive a heart emoji over text, you may be unsure what the girl who sent it is trying to tell you. 

The main thing to consider when deciding how to respond to a heart emoji, is what context it was sent in.

Here is a complete run-through of what to do when a girl sends you a heart. 


29 ways to respond to a heart emoji from a girl


  1. ❤️
  2. 🖤
  3. 😍
  4. 🥰
  5. 😘
  6. You looked 🔥at dinner yesterday😍
  7. Hi, my girl, I miss you! ❤️
  8. Hey babe, how are you? ❤️
  9. Love you. I’ll give you a call when I finish work. 
  10. How’s your day going? 😘
  11. Hey there, my better-looking half. Thanks for the love. Everything okay with you?
  12. Hey there! Nice to hear from you. What’re you up to this weekend? 
  13. Hey beautiful. Glad to see we’ve reached the hearts stage 😘
  14. So, since you’re sending heart emojis, will you let me take you out for a date now? 
  15. Well hello, how’s your day been, beautiful? 
  16. Should I read anything into that heart you sent? 😉
  17. 💜
  18. 🧡
  19. I’m enjoying getting to know you better. Does that heart mean you feel the same? 
  20. So, are we flirting? 
  21. If you were going to translate the emotion you’re conveying with that heart emoji into language, what would you say? 😅
  22. Would I be crazy if I took that heart to mean you’d like to get to know me better?
  23. 💙
  24. 💛
  25. 💚
  26. I don’t want to sound like a total luddite, but what did you mean by that heart? Only asking because I’d like us to be friends and don’t want you to get the wrong idea.
  27. Hey, I’m really busy this weekend. Let’s talk at work on Monday?
  28. Thanks for the sweet text. We’re on the same page about being friends though, right?
  29. Nice of you to text! I’m at my girlfriend’s place, so I’m busy right now. I’ll see you in class next week. 

How to respond when your girlfriend sends you a heart emoji

It can be hard enough to find the right way to respond to “Hey” from a girl, and responding to an emoji is even trickier.

According to a study conducted by Adobe in 2021, the three emojis that make users most likeable are 😍, 🥰, and 😘

They convey clear care and warmth, and people almost always respond well when a loved one sends these emojis. Why not respond to a heart emoji from you girlfriend using one of these three emojis?

If you prefer to take a different approach, never fear, here is a whole list of suggestions.


1. ❤️

Ah, the red heart emoji. This symbol is most commonly used a sign of romantic love and romance. The classic response to a red heart emoji from your partner is to send her a red heart emoji back. 

Either couple it with a short text, for example “Hey beautiful,” or “I miss you!” or send it all on its own.


2. 🖤

According to experienced emoji senders, the black heart is a symbol of deep, soulmate-level love. Think a Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly drinking each other’s blood kind of love. Think a Romeo and Juliet, die-for-each-other kind of love. 

If you want to respond to a heart emoji from your girlfriend, why not go for a black heart to symbolize the depth of your commitment to her.


3. 😍

The heart eyes emoji symbolizes that you love what you are seeing. 

If your girlfriend sends you a heart emoji, you can respond with this simple emoji that lets her know you were very happy to hear from her.  


4. 🥰

The hearts-all-around blushing emoji conveys that you feel full of love. 

If you want to show your girlfriend that the heart emoji she sent you has made you feel all warm inside, send her this emoji as a response. 


5. 😘

The kissy-face emoji is the most flirtatious emoji on the keyboard. Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as a platonic kissy face. 

So, if you want to express to you girlfriend that you can’t wait to see her and that you appreciate her sweet text, send this emoji.  


6. You looked 🔥 at dinner yesterday 😍

If your girlfriend sends you a heart emoji, raise the stakes and send her a compliment. Telling her she looked fire on your last date will surely make her smile. 

Using the fire emoji and the heart eyes emoji keeps the texting vibe chill and low-key, while showing her that you aren’t afraid to express how you feel about her. 


7. Hi, my girl, I miss you! ❤️

If your girlfriend starts a conversation by sending a heart emoji, you could send a message telling her you miss her. 

Add a red heart emoji to the text to show that you feel the same way about her as she does about you and to symbolize your romantic love for one another. 

Calling her “my girl” is a sweet way to express your care for her. 


8. Hey babe, how are you? ❤️

Another way to respond when your girlfriend starts a conversation with a red heart emoji, is to call her babe and ask her how she’s doing. 

End this message with the same red heart emoji she sent you to show that the feelings she has for you are mutual. 


10. Love you. I’ll give you a call when I finish work. 

It often happens that girls feel more comfortable using the emoji keyboard than their male partners do. If so, no problem. The most important thing about texting is that you can sound like yourself and express what you mean. 

If sending hearts is just not your thing, respond to receiving one from your girlfriend by simply saying, “Love you” instead. The message is the same and you’re saying it your own way. 


11. How’s your day going? 😘

If your girlfriend texts you a heart emoji, or a greeting and a heart emoji, the best response is to check how she’s doing. Asking “How’s your day going?” and ending the message with a kissy-face emoji strikes just the right note. 


12. Hey there, my better-looking half. Thanks for the love. Everything okay with you?

Another way to respond to a heart emoji from your significant other without having to send an emoji yourself, is to greet and compliment her. 

Using a jokey term of endearment, such as “my better-looking half,” will be sure to make her smile. Then you can thank her for the love, by which you mean the heart emoji, and move on to asking her how she is doing. 


How to respond when a girl you have a crush on sends you a heart emoji

Usually, when a girl sends a heart emoji it is basically the equivalent of calling you cute over text

If a girl you are interested in sends you a heart emoji, the most important thing to consider before responding, is what context she sent it in. 

If she compliments you and then sends a heart emoji, for example if she says, “You looked great today ❤️,” then she is flirting with you. You can respond confident in the knowledge that she likes you. 

However, if she sends you a different colored heart, for example a yellow one, combined with a message that has nothing to do with you personally, don’t come on too strong. For example, if she says “Had a lovely Mother’s Day yesterday! 💛,” it doesn’t mean she’s hitting on you. 

That isn’t to say she doesn’t like you, just that you should be cautious about making too many assumptions simply because you have received a heart-shaped emoji. 

Here is a run-through of how to approach responding to a heart emoji from a girl you have a crush on. 


13. Hey there! Nice to hear from you. What’re you up to this weekend? 

If a girl you like sends you a heart emoji, but you don’t feel confident enough about her feelings to send one back, you could reciprocate your interest by asking her what she’s up to this weekend. 

If she says she’s free, why not ask her on a date? 


14. Hey beautiful. Glad to see we’ve reached the hearts stage 😘

If you’re fairly sure that by sending you a heart, the girl your texting is sending you a sign that she’s into you, you can jokingly tell her that your glad that you’ve reached the hearts stage of texting. 

Adding a kissy-face emoji will show her that you’re certainly interested in her. This will make her feel comfortable opening up to you. 


15. So, since you’re sending heart emojis, will you let me take you out for a date now? 

If you’ve been waiting for a sign that you should ask the girl you’re speaking to out on a date, this is it! 

You can keep the tone light-hearted by suggesting that because she’s sending you heart emojis, you’re assuming she would be willing to go on a date with you. 

Hopefully, she has been hinting at this very suggestion all along and will be only too glad to accept your offer. 


16. Well hello, how’s your day been, beautiful? 

If you prefer to leave the emoji keyboard to others, simply compliment the girl you’re texting and ask her how her day has been. Choosing to express what you want in words instead of hiding behind a little symbol conveys confidence. 

The girl your texting will surely appreciate the compliment and will be keen to let you know how she’s doing and to ask how you’re doing in return. 


17. Should I read anything into that heart you sent? 😉

If you want to keep the tone flirty, but also want some clarity about how the girl you’re texting feels about you, ask if you should read anything into the heart emoji she sent you. 

By adding a winking emoji, you’re showing that you aren’t expecting a serious response and that you’d like to keep things light-hearted. 

That said, you’re also opening the door for a flirty, suggestive response, such as, “read into it what you will 😘.”


18. 💜

Purple emojis are famously the emojis of the booty call. 

Ty Dolla $ign’s song “Purple Emoji” is all about needing someone “more than ever.” Ty is referencing the purple emoji with the devil horns (😈), but the song has also given the purple heart emoji the same meaning. 

So, if a girl sends you a red or purple heart and you want to let her know that you feel the same, why not send her a purple emoji and suggest getting together for a drink later?!


19. 🧡

Ah, the orange heart emoji. So close to red, but not quite red.

Internet sleuths have deduced that the orange heart is usually sent by people who would like to send a red heart but can’t quite work up the courage to do so. 

If you feel like you would like to send a red heart emoji but aren’t quite sure the girl you’re texting likes you, you could choose the safe route and send her an orange heart emoji. 

Maybe you have been ghosted by a friend one too many times after misinterpreting the signs, and have now decided to be overcautious before telling someone you have romantic feelings for them. 

That said, you can always respond to a heart emoji with a heart emoji of the same color.  Presumably, if a girl sends you a heart emoji, she will be glad to be sent an identical one back. 


How to respond when a girl sends you a heart emoji and you don’t know what she means

How to respond when a girl sends you a heart emoji and you don’t know what she means

Again, context is everything. Try to decipher what the girl who has sent you a heart emoji means by examining the things she has said around the emoji. 

However, don’t spend hours of your day reading a text over and over again. If you’re confused about what the girl you’re texting means, just ask her! 

What better way to keep the conversation going than to ask for clarification? 


20. I’m enjoying getting to know you better. Does that heart mean you feel the same? 

While emojis are helpful shorthand for feelings that would otherwise require long-winded explanations, they can also introduce confusion into a conversation. 

For example, if a girl you like sends you a red heart emoji, but you can’t tell whether she is trying to tell you she likes you or is simply expressing that she’s had a nice day, you may find the emoji frustrating. 

So, instead of engaging in an endless back-and-forth of ambiguous little images, use your words to tell her how you feel and ask whether the emoji she sent you means that she feels the same way. 


21. So, are we flirting? 

This is a cute response to a heart emoji, because it suggests that you are confident enough to ask direct questions. 

This response keeps up the good banter while also promising to provide you with some clarity about how the girl you are texting feels about you. 


22. If you were to translate the emotion you’re conveying with that heart emoji into language, what would you be saying? 😅

This is a cute approach to try to get the girl you’re texting to be more explicit about what she means. 

Because you are keeping the conversational, flirtatious tone going, she will surely feel confident enough that you like her to be clearer about what she feels for you. 


23. Would I be crazy if I took that heart to mean you’d like to get to know me better?

This is a great response to send when you receive an ambiguous heart emoji from a girl. By offering her an easy way out, you are allowing her to tell you if she isn’t interested in you. 

If she continues to flirt with you, or says something like, “No, that wouldn’t be crazy at all,” then you know you have her interest. 

If this is the case, you might want to follow up her response by asking her on a date. 

How to respond when a girl you don’t like sends you a heart emoji 

Receiving a heart emoji from a girl you don’t like isn’t fun. Especially if the girl is a friend or someone you have a good relationship with, you may struggle to let her down easily without ruining your friendship. 

Here are a few suggestions for how to deal with responding to a heart emoji from a girl you aren’t into. 


 24. 💙

The blue heart is allegedly the heart of friendship, and especially male friendship. Nothing romantic to see here. 

If you consider a girl a friend and she sends you a heart emoji, regardless of the color of the heart she sends, you could respond with a single blue heart emoji to show that you see her as a friend. 

The cool, blue color is more suggestive of showing support for a sports team than of wanting to engage in a steamy make-out session. 

That said, beware the so-called “heart emoji color rules” are not necessarily hard and fast, and you never know how the girl who sent you a heart emoji might interpret a blue heart. 

If you’re confident that the girl you’re texting only sees you as a friend, then you can absolutely send her a blue heart. If you think she might have other intentions, it might be better to steer clear of sending her a heart of any color. 


25. 💛

Another heart emoji color that is widely associated with friendship is the yellow heart. 

It is often used to show love within families. For example, you might send a yellow heart to an aunt or grandmother. Nothing particularly sexy about yellow. 

So, if you want to respond to a girl you don’t like romantically with a heart, why not choose a yellow one? 


26. 💚

Ah, the green heart. Strangely, the green heart is commonly used for many things, but not for romantic love. 

It is shared by environmentalists, the Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, and anyone who supports the Boston Celtics. One thing it shouldn’t be used for, is to tell girls you are into them.

This makes it the perfect response to a girl you’re friends with sending you a red heart emoji. By sending back a heart color that doesn’t carry implications of romantic love, you’re subtly letting her know you aren’t into her. 


27. I don’t want to sound like a total luddite, but what did you mean by that heart? Only asking because I’d like us to be friends and don’t want you to get the wrong idea.

When it comes to matters of the heart, clarity is key. Ask the girl you’re texting what the heart she sent you meant, and then tell her you only want to be friends. 

She will surely appreciate your candor. No one likes sitting around wondering whether someone likes them. It is much better to have someone rip off the band-aid early on than to be strung along for months. 


28. Hey, I’m really busy this weekend. Let’s talk at work on Monday?

The best way to avoid a texting conversation with a girl that you aren’t interested in, is to tell her that you’re busy. 

By telling her you’ll see her at work and not suggesting another time to talk, you’re letting her down easy. 


29. Thanks for the sweet text. We’re on the same page about being friends though, right?

Responding to a heart emoji from a girl you don’t like by asking whether you’re on the same page about being friends sends her the clear message that you aren’t interested in her romantically. 

Furthermore, you’re letting her down in the kindest way possible by not embarrassing her. All she has to do is answer, “Yes, of course. Just friends!” and she won’t have to feel like you’ve rejected her.  


30. Nice of you to text! I’m at my girlfriend’s place, so I’m busy right now. I’ll see you in class next week. 

If you have a partner, she may not appreciate having other girls send you heart emojis, regardless of how they’re meant. 

So, if you have a girlfriend and another girl is sending you heart emojis, simply let the other girl know that you are in a relationship. By telling her you’ll see her in a setting that you both have to be in, you’re making clear that you aren’t interested in getting together during your personal time.